Thursday 20 November 2014

Hickory Banes Returns!

It's been a while since The Tops Hill Trilogy but it's been nice to have a break. However, today's announcement is the first of our ranges outside of Doctor Who even though it is a spin-off. Hickory Banes (Ben Holt), who was first seen in Tales of Mystery and Imagination back in January alongside Robert Lloyd as the Doctor, is back having his own adventures! We bring you the first of these adventures written and directed by Tom Denham in just a few weeks and we have a cover and synopsis for you!

After the press launch of his new book, Hickory is stalked home by the elusive Hans Wickerwood, a man who has a fascination with Judgement Day. Elsewhere, the government has some concerning issues and it will take Hickory, teamed up with secret agent Bob Lem, to defeat the almighty villain behind this terrifying scheme. But can they do it time?

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