This Doctor is enigmatic and witty, but when darkness ascends, he transforms into an insistent and waspish character. Like his former self, he attempts to throw himself into the deep end, but the disagreements of the universe do tend to bite back in one form or another. From traversing the Kangan cluster to crossing the dimensional divide, the Doctor uses his charm and elegance to steer clear from a prickly situation, but arrogance does get the better of him and a number of his enemies. However, underneath these elements dwells a sensitive and youthful old man that simply wants to have a good night out unearthing the great discoveries of time and space. This Doctor, whilst debuting on audio, will soon appear in a short story series in prose.
Luna (Nari Riis)
Mischievous and cunning, Luna is one of the Doctor's most intriguing companions. They both crossed paths for the first time when her strange psychic ability sent a message to the Doctor's psychic paper, sending him to present day Melbourne at the psychiatric ward that she is yet to be released from. Together, they uncover the origins of her unearthly powers, then to voyage together across time and space.
Penelope (Elice Rebecca)
Whilst Penelope is quiet and reserved, she is not hesitant to make her own voice sound. She first meets the Doctor and Luna when the London Tube converges with the Ghan across a dimensional plane! Working as a librarian, Penelope has a passion for books and learning new things, which pays to be a great advantage in difficult situations.
Hickory Banes (Ben Holt)